
The Time Loop ๐Ÿ”

Stuck in a Time Loop Some nights, I question myself, I question my life choices, I question my existence. Reflecting on my past is like jumping into a pool of regrets and struggles. But it's what I do all night, I drown every time. I still ache from trying to keep pace  when you don't get signs it's when you start losing faith.  How am I here every time? How did I let my dreams turn into nightmares? How did I lose it when I was right there? Now I'm so far that it feels like it's all gone to pieces.  It's sad that my past is stuck with me forever, my future depends on my past, my hope depends on my mistakes, crazy to even think about it! I've been through so much pain.  It's hard to maintain a smile on my face when there's madness in my brain After everything I witnessed, After all those decisions, miles and miles of running, they didn't add up to the distance that I was supposed to reach I ask myself, how? How am I here again?  Life felt like a T

Casual Magic✨

   Casual magic is finding beauty in the mundane every day. 99% of our lives are spent in average moments,  waking up, eating the same breakfast, seeing the same people, doing our normal routines, thinking about the same few things... And there will always be those special days that we look forward to,  A birthday, wedding, traveling, and big life events. We crave these moments because we know how happy we'll be in them,  how joyous everything will feel! So much so that the lead-up to them is almost more enjoyable than experiencing the times themselves! But, why wait?  why only experience such bliss only 1% of the time? When I was 16 and preparing for my Boards, every day  felt the same. I would wake up, go to school, come home, study and repeat. Life felt so boring and stressful. It was around that time I had realized how different my day was when I found little pieces of magic✨ Just small things to be grateful for, it gave me perspective on my life and made my stress feel more m

Self Awareness

How w ell do you know yourself ? Self awareness is the ability to recognize his/her emotions, behaviors, motivation, belief systems and other  characteristics, such as strengths and weaknesses. This enables him/her to identify and understand the self as a separate entity.  But why should we learn about ourselves? Let me give you an example, if you are trying to teach a young kid about multiplication, what is the first thing you would do?  You would first connect with the kid and get to know his prior knowledge. In this case, you'll need to know if he knows about addition in order to understand multiplication.  Makes sense right? It's a similar case with self awareness, the young kid here is your mind and body, you need to understand your strengths and weaknesses in order for you to learn something new!   Self awareness doesn't only mean understanding your abilities, there's more to it. One of my favorites quotes is : Reflecting and learning from our past to lead a bett

Mental Health๐Ÿ’ž

  Mental Health is Preserved Wealth  Mental Health includes our emotional, psychological and social well-being. It affects how we feel, think and act. It also helps us determine how we handle stress, relate with others and make healthy choices. Mental health is important at every stage of life, from childhood and adolescence through adulthood. When mental health is so predominant in our lives, what do you think could be possible ways to keep our minds healthy and clean? Of course! the well known answer would be therapy, it is always smart to discuss issues with  a professional and seek help, But there are other ways too! These tips to balance yourselves are written down by me from doing small researches and experiences! 1. Value Yourself  Treat yourself with kindness and respect, and avoid self criticism. Make time for your hobbies and favorite projects, or broaden your horizons. Do a daily crossword puzzle, plant a garden, take dance lessons, learn to play an instrument or become flu

All about Anger ๐Ÿ˜ˆ - PART 2

Anger Management Techniques  Introduction  Welcome back! This is the continuation of the post - 'Science of Anger' from the series 'All about anger' if you haven't checked it out, you can click this below  ๐Ÿ‘‡ All about Anger PART 1- Science of Anger   (Make sure to read this one thoroughly to have a better understanding of this post) Anger  Management is something really important which helps people in their relationships with loved ones. Knowing the Science of anger, sometimes gives you a cautious sense of mind where you will be aware when your cocktail of hormones rise, resulting in us trying to control the emotion. But this may not work for everyone or every time. The following tips and techniques are purely given by me with a little bit of research and personal experiences. Hoping this helps you :) 1) Let off steam (gently)  Just like any other emotion, anger needs to  be expressed, but there is a right way of doing it. Don't shout, scream or throw a tantr

All about Anger ๐Ÿ˜ˆ - PART 1

SCIENCE OF ANGER  Introduction  Have you ever screamed at someone just out of anger and rage and realize after a couple of minutes that you shouldn't have really done that and felt that was unwanted? I'm sure you might have, after all it is human nature to feel displeased. But what is the science behind it? and knowing that will we be able to control this emotion? Well then this series is just for you! This is a small research done by me :) The Science of anger  When there is a mismatch of what you expect and what you get in return, (for example, when a friend talks to you in a rude manner unexpectedly), Your brain's reward circuit sounds an alarm, The activity is triggered in a small almond shaped region in the brain called the 'Amygdala' which processes emotions like : anxiety, fear and anger. Fear and anger generate a basic stress response called 'Fight or flight' response, where fear makes us want to flee, and anger makes us want to fight. The Amygdala