
Showing posts from May, 2022

Casual Magic✨

   Casual magic is finding beauty in the mundane every day. 99% of our lives are spent in average moments,  waking up, eating the same breakfast, seeing the same people, doing our normal routines, thinking about the same few things... And there will always be those special days that we look forward to,  A birthday, wedding, traveling, and big life events. We crave these moments because we know how happy we'll be in them,  how joyous everything will feel! So much so that the lead-up to them is almost more enjoyable than experiencing the times themselves! But, why wait?  why only experience such bliss only 1% of the time? When I was 16 and preparing for my Boards, every day  felt the same. I would wake up, go to school, come home, study and repeat. Life felt so boring and stressful. It was around that time I had realized how different my day was when I found little pieces of magic✨ Just small things to be grateful for, it gave me perspective on my life and made my stress feel more m